What is KVIKS Media?
KVIKS Media (previously KVIKS TV) is the Communications Branch of Hilo High School, under the direction of the Technology Department. We broadcast to our community the latest news and events coming out from Hilo High School. Partnering with local media and broadcasting partners such as Nā Leo TV, PBS Hawaii, and local news sources, Hilo High students who join the program by means of the after-school club are able to gain industry-level experience while attending school.
KVIKS Media is a collaboration between members of the Hilo High School staff and the students in order to produce quality content and services for our school and extended community.
How Are We Organized?
The vision and leadership of KVIKS Media are led by the staff producers including Luke Eclipse-Ujano (Hilo High School Technology Coordinator) and the Hilo High School Technology Department.
In addition, the following individuals complete the Communications Branch: Brandon Respicio (Hilo High School SASA), Oly Ujano (Hilo High School, PCNC), and the Principal.
To better execute the services that KVIKS Media provides, a chartered club was founded in 2018 to allow students to participate in extra-curricular activities. Students from this program have received countless opportunities to express their creativity, passion, and commitment to a fun and exciting program. Graduating students have expressed their appreciation and desire to continue pursuing media as a profession or degree.
KVIKS Media is run by four elected student officers whose duty is to keep track of student activity, organize tasks and crew, and fundraise to purchase external services crucial to our success.